.270 vs. .30-06

Comparing two tried-and-true big-game cartridges.

The two most popular big-game cartridges among American hunters remain the .270 and .30-06. Neither are exactly new; the .270 was introduced clear back in 1925, while the .30-06 passed its centennial seven years ago (wow!).

“Woman’s Work”

Martha Maxwell was America’s first female taxidermist.
She was also a big-game hunter and expert naturalist.

A Bolt from Above

Myths and facts about lightning.
Learn what to do if you’re caught in a storm.

A Culture of Generosity

A new study finds that American hunters are incredibly unselfish about sharing their wild harvest.

Some 98 percent of hunters shared meat with others.

A Legend and his Legacy

A virtual pilgrimage to the Jack O’Connor Center in Lewiston, Idaho.
Relive the golden age of outdoor adventure–and enter the Jack O’Connor Writing Contest!

A Lesson from Kenya

Hunting has been closed there since 1977, and wildlife is worse off than ever.

The BBC reported last week on new research in the Journal of Zoology that shows that wildlife populations in the famous Masai Mara reserve in Kenya have crashed in the past three decades (read the BBC story here).

A New Adventure

A hunt in Wyoming with a first-time antelope hunter.
Helping to pass on the hunting tradition makes the experience even better.

A Pig for Pete

Craig Boddington honors his hero, Robert “Pete” Petersen, on a New Mexico hog hunt.

Petersen was a quarter-bore fan, and the rifle used on this hunt was a duplicate of his favorite.

A Point of Light

Hunting Cape buffalo with an Aimpoint sight

Consider the Cape buffalo. Humped with muscle at the shoulder and neck, black like a pirate, stump-legged and bellicose, he stands immobile sniffing the air. His upper lip curls back to reveal a toothless sneer, only pink gum showing