Sports A Field

The Big Chill

Hypothermia is a serious condition, and it doesn’t just happen in frigid temperatures.

In fact, a large number of hypothermia cases in a recent study occurred in Florida, a place not generally associated with cold.

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Lions At The Picnic

Increase your awareness of your surroundings by consciously training yourself to see what you’re missing.

Elspeth Huxley, author of The Flame Trees of Thika, recalled a family picnic in Kenya. Only after the photos were developed did the picnickers realize there had been two lions hunkered in the brush, watching them.

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Grizzly Defense

What’s the best way to defend yourself if you run into a grizzly while hunting—or if a grizzly tries to run into you?

Nearly all authorities on the subject agree that the first two words to memorize in this regard are “pepper spray.” I’m fully aware that some hunters associate pepper spray with politically correct, granola-eating, New Age, tree-

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