A new study provides some important insights on how to talk to a non-hunter about hunting.
Many non-hunters have no idea that licenses are required, or that the meat is used.
A new study provides some important insights on how to talk to a non-hunter about hunting.
Many non-hunters have no idea that licenses are required, or that the meat is used.
Hunting ibex in Tajikistan.
High-altitude hunting and a unique cultural experience combine for an unforgettable adventure in the mountains of central Asia.
Hunter numbers are declining, but wildlife advocates are working to turn the tide.
R3 efforts and outreach to non-hunters are crucial efforts that all hunters should support.
A hunt for red stags in the magnificent Scottish Highlands.
Tweed-clad stalkers and garron ponies make for a unique and traditional experience.
A line of high-tech, high-performance hunting clothing designed and built specifically for women.
Prois hunting gear has proven itself on the world’s toughest hunts.
The old still-hunter’s mantra is a good lesson for the woods, and for life.
Reflections from the deer woods as the end of the year approaches.
Discovering the bounty of doves and ducks along Mexico’s Sea of Cortez.
A wing shooting adventure south of the border.
Good news and bad news from sheep country.
Although North American sheep populations are strong, a serious respiratory disease now threatens Dall sheep in Alaska.
Hunters in two states are funding pro-hunting public relations campaigns in an effort to beat the antis at their own game.
A group called the Nimrod Society is urging other states to adopt a similar model and help spread the word.
Hunting free-range red deer and fallow deer on New Zealand’s scenic South Island.
Some of New Zealand’s finest hunting can be found in a beautiful region at the the confluence of the Rakaia and Mathias rivers.