Sports A Field

Welcome to “The Jungle”

Taxidermist, publisher, and marketing genius, Rowland Ward turned mounted animals into a fashionable sensation during the Victorian Age.

Hunters today know the name Rowland Ward mostly because of the record book that bears his name. But Rowland Ward was a fascinating character in his own right.

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Separate Ways

Wildlife managers try to keep wild sheep healthy by keeping them away from their domestic cousins.

Hunters who may have thought they would never have the opportunity to hunt bighorn sheep were given an incredible opportunity this year.

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A Win for Sage Grouse

The West’s iconic gamebird staves off an ESA listing… for now.

It was a huge victory for one of the most ambitious multi-state conservation efforts ever undertaken: In September, the US Fish & Wildlife Service decided NOT to add the greater sage grouse to the federal endangered species list.

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Good News from Bear Country

Feds delist Louisiana black bears and propose the same for Yellowstone grizzlies.

As spring bear seasons get underway around North America, bear populations throughout the continent are thriving. Recent news stories highlighted the recovery of a population of black bears in Louisiana and increasing numbers of grizzly bears in the Lower 48.

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Something to Chew On

A new study of game management areas in Zambia highlights the importance of the meat provided to local communities by hunting outfitters.

When hunters travel to Africa for a safari hunt, their friends back home often wonder what happens to the meat of the animals they kill. If you’ve been on an African safari

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Wild Country

Reflections on the fiftieth anniversary of the Wilderness Act.

My first wilderness elk hunt was ten years ago, but I still remember it vividly. There was the fourteen-mile horseback ride from the trailhead north of Missoula to the snug collection of canvas wall

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A Pioneering Outdoorswoman

Augusta Wallihan was a hunter, wildlife photographer, adventurer, and conservationist.

When I first saw the photograph of Augusta Wallihan entitled “Grocery Shopping,” I was intrigued and had to find out more. Who was this woman, dressed in the garb of the late 1800s

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It’s time to welcome a new generation of health-conscious meat-eaters into the world of hunting.

Rupp with some steaks and roasts she procured in Pennsylvania last fall (still in their original packaging).

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The Price Was Wrong

Threats from antihunters have now cost Namibia’s rhino conservation program hundreds of thousands of dollars.

In January, at a banquet at the Dallas Safari Club (DSC) convention, something historic and important happened in the annals of hunting as a conservation tool.

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Ibex Adventure

An expedition to central Asia in search of the magnificent mid-Asian ibex.

In October 2014, I traveled to the fascinating country of Kazakhstan, along with my husband, Scott, to hunt one of the world’s most interesting mountain animals, the mid-Asian ibex. This successful and enjoyable trip was arranged by The Hunting Consortium.

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