Fausti’s Class SLX 20-gauge is the ideal choice for upland birds.
This shotgun is slim and beautifully balanced.

Fausti’s Class SLX 20-gauge is the ideal choice for upland birds.
This shotgun is slim and beautifully balanced.
Despite international travel restrictions, there are still lots of options for late-season hunts close to home.
Feral hogs and public-land birds are great options.
The challenging and rewarding pursuit of Europe’s wary mountain goat.
Hunting the chamois is a great way to explore the mountain ranges of Europe and New Zealand.
Brown bears are found in many parts of the world, with the biggest in Alaska and Kamchatka. But don’t delay.
Arguably the largest bear species in the world, the brown bear is unarguably the most widely distributed. But if a brown bear hunt is on your radar, don’t wait much longer.
A new book of exciting tales about hunting brown bears in Russia.
From Siberia to Crimea, Geurink and his clients take us on a reaffirming ride through the last half of the 20th century and an uplifting peek into the promise of the 21st.
An overview of the TSA rules for flying with your hunting firearms, ammunition, and other hunting equipment
They took my Swiss Army knife. They took my mini screwdriver repair kit. They even took my tweezers once. But they haven’t taken my guns yet, and if I pay attention and follow the rules, they hopefully never will.
Optics aren’t just an adjunct to a hunt, they’re an amplifier, increasing your visual pleasure, providing more information, and saving time and steps.
Naturally, you’ll need a binocular for your hunt. But when you travel, don’t pack your glass in your checked luggage. First, you don’t want to risk having an expensive set of optics lifted by a sticky-fingered baggage handler.