Field testing the CANIS Pamir jacket and Nunavut rain gear.
This gear stood up to the rigors of a hard mountain hunt.

Field testing the CANIS Pamir jacket and Nunavut rain gear.
This gear stood up to the rigors of a hard mountain hunt.
Sports Afield is once again recognized as a top global brand.
We are among the top 100 in License Global’s annual rankings.
Sports Afield makes the prestigious list for the eighth time.
We are even featured on the cover!
Join the Wild Sheep Foundation for Sheep Week 2022!
The show features both live and virtual events.
Well-known wildlife scientists call for improvements to studies involving trophy hunting.
The paper was published in the Journal of Wildlife Management.
Bidding is open for DSC’s live and silent virtual auctions.
Log on now to support this great organization.
Support Grand Slam Club/OVIS through online auctions and events.
A desert sheep tag and Shiras moose permit are among the auction items.
This new optic is Leica’s first long-range riflescope with 6x zoom.
It has a magnification range of 5x to 30x.
It’s a myth that trophy hunting drives species to extinction.
In fact, the opposite is true.
Some of the people who wrote for the magazine over the years may surprise you!
Novelists, senators, and entertainers have graced our pages.