New legislation is a big deal for everyone who loves the outdoors.
The new law will fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Act.
New legislation is a big deal for everyone who loves the outdoors.
The new law will fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Act.
Remembering the well-known painter of wildlife and historic hunting scenes.
Rowland Ward is looking for avid hunting enthusiasts to join its team of certified measurers.
There are hundreds of Rowland Ward measurers around the world.
A South American whitetail shatters the world record.
The huge deer was taken in Venezuela.
Frequently asked questions about Rowland Ward’s recordkeeping system.
The single-horn standard, why not metric, and more.
A Livingstone eland taken in Mozambique should shatter the world record.
The eland was taken with Kambako Safaris in the Nyasa Reserve.
Rowland Ward partners with Northern Cape PH School to train measurers in South Africa.
Courses will help new professional hunters learn measuring skills.
Sports Afield and DSC will continue their partnership another five years.
Sports Afield will remain title sponsor of DSC’s annual convention.
Wilde was a longtime Associate Editor of Sports Afield.
Bans on trophy hunting are likely to increase the challenge of conserving the world’s biodiversity.
This is why 133 conservation researchers and practitioners signed a letter published in Science Magazine last week highlighting why the trophy hunting bans currently being debated around the world are ill-advised.