These spotted cats are challenging, and there are no guarantees.
Leopards are the second-most affordable of the Big Five.
It’s .375, right? Actually, it’s not that simple.
There are several other options.
This magnificently maned goat is one of the world’s top mountain hunts.
What they lack in horn, they more than make up for in hair.
Or are there actually 40 species of big game on our continent?
It all depends on which list you use.
The magnificent red deer can be hunted in many parts of the world.
The experience is always a grand one.
Hunters’ choices in rifles and equipment for Africa are changing.
Faster, flatter rifles and more camp guns are among the trends.
Choosing the right destination for your Cape buffalo hunt.
Most hunters who dream of Africa want to hunt buffalo.
The “gray ghost” is one of Africa’s most widespread antelope species.
But some regions are better than others.
Where to find “the most ruggedly handsome animal in Africa.”
Waterbuck are also surprisingly good table fare.
Is there such a thing?
Yes, but you need to choose your hunt carefully.
On a muskox hunt, you have many options for timing.
Keep the weather, and the daylight, in mind.
Warthogs are common, but big ones aren’t easy to find.
Mozambique may be among the best spots to find one.