Sports A Field

Boddington’s Adventures

Wild Africa

Truly wild areas are getting harder to find in Africa, but they still exist.

The forest zone in central Africa and Kaokoland in Namibia are good examples.

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Prep Time

How to prepare for the upcoming hunting season.

Get in shape, check your rifle, and spend some time at the range.

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Hunting the Giant Rat

Is the capybara Argentina’s most interesting animal?

This giant, water-loving rodent can weigh up to 150 pounds.

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My Favorite Zebra

The Hartmann mountain zebra is plentiful in Namibia and parts of South Africa.

This animal lives in rugged country and provides a challenging hunt.

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A Really Big Tusker

An incredible elephant taken recently in Namibia is proof that giants still walk among us.

One tusk weighed exactly 100 pounds.

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Paper Plate Accuracy

If you can keep your shots inside a paper plate, you’ll hit the vital zone.

Paper plates still make good practice targets, especially with iron sights.

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Don’t Overlook the .30-06

Despite all the emphasis on new cartridges, this old standby is still an all-round champ.

The .30-06 is a great choice for almost any non-dangerous game.

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Close Encounters with Buffalo

The classic way to shoot a buffalo is up close, with a double rifle.

It’s actually somewhat unusual to be faced with that situation in most of buffalo country.

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The 9.3, not the .375, should really be considered the minimum cartridge for dangerous game.

This cartridge has proven itself over years of use in the field.

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Africa is for the Birds

Africa’s great bird-shooting opportunities are often overlooked.

Take some time out of your big-game safari to hunt sand grouse, francolin, or guinea fowl.

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Traveling with Firearms

Advice for traveling with firearms.

The rules for air travel and importation of firearms are becoming increasingly complex.

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The .300 Weatherby Magnum

There are many excellent cartridges in the “fast .300” class, but Roy Weatherby’s flagship remains a favorite.

This cartridge is suitable for hunting almost any non-dangerous game anywhere in the world.

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