Sports A Field

Boddington’s Adventures

High Adventure Birds

In search of the world’s most exotic wild turkeys.

Hunting turkeys in far-flung regions such as the jungles of the Yucatan rivals almost any big-game hunt in terms of challenge and adventure.

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The .270 Vs. the .30-06

It’s hard to go wrong when choosing between these two great calibers.
For deer-size game, there are two time-honored cartridges that remain among our most popular.

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Feral Hogs

Opportunity or Plague?

Folks who have hogs on their farms or ranches generally don’t love them… but those who hunt on those farms and ranches do.

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Sticks and Stuff

Why it’s a good idea to use a hiking stick on your mountain hunts.

As we get older, the mountains seem to get steeper, and the knees get creakier. A bit of support can help.

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A hunt for big bears is one of North America’s top outdoor adventures.

I was glassing a bare ridge far across a deep valley when I saw him, the biggest grizzly bear I’ve ever seen.

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The 6.5 Comes Alive

The 6.5mm is red hot—and for good reason!

At the 2017 SHOT Show I was surprised and bemused to find that, in the sporting rifle world, the 6.5mm Creedmoor cartridge was the talk of the show.

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Pack the Perfect Rest

Tips and tricks for making the most of your daypack to help you make steady, well-aimed shots in the field.

I honestly can’t recall the first time I used a pack as a shooting rest. For sure I didn’t when I was kid. I was a fledgling gunwriter well into my twenties before I understood the necessity for taking good field photographs, so I didn’t haul around a full-size SLR camera in a pack.

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.270 vs. .30-06

Comparing two tried-and-true big-game cartridges.

The two most popular big-game cartridges among American hunters remain the .270 and .30-06. Neither are exactly new; the .270 was introduced clear back in 1925, while the .30-06 passed its centennial seven years ago (wow!).

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Taking A Pass

Remember, the first day of a hunt is as good as the last.

The stand overlooked a big field of almost impenetrable CRP grass. The wind was howling that day and I didn’t expect to see much. Also, I had no particular expectations.

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Range Days

How to make sure you and your rifle are ready for hunting season.

The “exams” that the fall seasons bring us can’t really be crammed for, so I hope you’ve whiled away some of the summer doldrums at the shooting range. If you haven’t, you’re coming up on your last chance to make sure

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Staying Safe

Staying Safe

All travel has its risks, so do your best to be prepared for them.

Hunting is supposed to be fun, and it’s also, statistically, more injury-free than a lot of other hobbies and sports. There are, however, irrefutable principles to keep in mind.

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Tough to Beat

The .300 Winchester Magnum is versatile, effective, and widely available.

The 7mm Remington Magnum was introduced in 1962, the .300 Winchester Magnum a year later, in 1963. Remington’s Big Seven took off like a rocket, and for many years was the world’s most popular cartridge to wear the “magnum” suffix.

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