Sports A Field

Boddington’s Adventures

How Much Does A Safari Cost?

An African safari is more affordable than you think.

With some careful planning and saving, the cost of a plains-game safari in southern Africa is within reach even for people with average incomes.

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Enough Gun

How do you know how much gun is enough?

One of my favorite campfire argument (and writing topics) concerns the suitability—“adequacy,” if you will—of various cartridges for specific field applications.

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High Adventure Birds

In search of the world’s most exotic wild turkeys.

Hunting turkeys in far-flung regions such as the jungles of the Yucatan rivals almost any big-game hunt in terms of challenge and adventure.

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The .270 Vs. the .30-06

It’s hard to go wrong when choosing between these two great calibers.
For deer-size game, there are two time-honored cartridges that remain among our most popular.

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Feral Hogs

Opportunity or Plague?

Folks who have hogs on their farms or ranches generally don’t love them… but those who hunt on those farms and ranches do.

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Sticks and Stuff

Why it’s a good idea to use a hiking stick on your mountain hunts.

As we get older, the mountains seem to get steeper, and the knees get creakier. A bit of support can help.

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A hunt for big bears is one of North America’s top outdoor adventures.

I was glassing a bare ridge far across a deep valley when I saw him, the biggest grizzly bear I’ve ever seen.

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The 6.5 Comes Alive

The 6.5mm is red hot—and for good reason!

At the 2017 SHOT Show I was surprised and bemused to find that, in the sporting rifle world, the 6.5mm Creedmoor cartridge was the talk of the show.

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Pack the Perfect Rest

Tips and tricks for making the most of your daypack to help you make steady, well-aimed shots in the field.

I honestly can’t recall the first time I used a pack as a shooting rest. For sure I didn’t when I was kid. I was a fledgling gunwriter well into my twenties before I understood the necessity for taking good field photographs, so I didn’t haul around a full-size SLR camera in a pack.

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.270 vs. .30-06

Comparing two tried-and-true big-game cartridges.

The two most popular big-game cartridges among American hunters remain the .270 and .30-06. Neither are exactly new; the .270 was introduced clear back in 1925, while the .30-06 passed its centennial seven years ago (wow!).

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Taking A Pass

Remember, the first day of a hunt is as good as the last.

The stand overlooked a big field of almost impenetrable CRP grass. The wind was howling that day and I didn’t expect to see much. Also, I had no particular expectations.

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Range Days

How to make sure you and your rifle are ready for hunting season.

The “exams” that the fall seasons bring us can’t really be crammed for, so I hope you’ve whiled away some of the summer doldrums at the shooting range. If you haven’t, you’re coming up on your last chance to make sure

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