Sports A Field


50 Great Stalks

Boddington’s latest book is a collection of hunting memories.
It’s a fun romp through the world’s greatest hunting fields.

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Thunder without Rain

Thomas McIntyre’s last book is truly his magnum opus.

A must-read for anyone fascinated with African buffalo.

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Rimrock Man

The early life of W.B. Carson.

Carson was a key figure in the history of the conservation of the Texas desert bighorn.

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Rowland Ward Records of Big Game, 30th Edition

The new record book features several new world records.

Maps, photos, and long-lost trophies round out this new edition.

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Giant Rams of Montana, Vol. 1

A new book celebrating the bighorns of Big Sky Country.

Montana author John “Timmer” Reeves brings together the stories of the most incredible rams ever taken in Montana.

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Great Winter Reads

A selection of great books for reading by the fireside on a snowy evening.

New titles from Craig Boddington, Buzz Charlton, Walter Bell, and many more.

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In the Land of the Bear

A new book of exciting tales about hunting brown bears in Russia.

From Siberia to Crimea, Geurink and his clients take us on a reaffirming ride through the last half of the 20th century and an uplifting peek into the promise of the 21st.

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Great New Hunting Books

Check out the latest offerings from top hunting writers this fall.

Here are six great new books to take along when you head to hunting camp this year.

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Incidents from an Elephant Hunter’s Diary

Brand-new, never-before-published stories from famed elephant hunter Walter “Karamojo” Bell!

This new book is a must-have for all Bell enthusiasts as well as anyone interested in elephant hunting and classic Africana.

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Deadly Encounters

A new book by Craig Boddington shares the stories of people who have been on the receiving end of animal attacks.

Incidents of hunters, trackers, professional hunters, and innocent bystanders getting injured or killed by dangerous game animals crop up every year

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Two Great Elephant Books

A pair of the greatest elephant-hunting books ever published are now back in print.

Safari Press recently reprinted two of the great elephant-hunting classics of the post-World War II era. These extraordinary books, Kambaku by Harry Manners and Bell of Africa by W.D.M. Bell…

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Jack O’Connor: An Outdoor Legend

This new DVD is a must-have for anyone who is a fan of Jack O’Connor, and those who don’t know much about O’Connor will find it fascinating as well. The film is an in-depth look at O’Connor’s life, from his childhood in Arizona through his later years when he became a globetrotting hunter and the most famous gunwriter in America.

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