Sports A Field

Guns & Gear

Don’t Overlook the .30-06

Despite all the emphasis on new cartridges, this old standby is still an all-round champ.

The .30-06 is a great choice for almost any non-dangerous game.

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The .300 Weatherby Magnum

There are many excellent cartridges in the “fast .300” class, but Roy Weatherby’s flagship remains a favorite.

This cartridge is suitable for hunting almost any non-dangerous game anywhere in the world.

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Field Tested: Prois Cumbre Hunting Gear

A line of high-tech, high-performance hunting clothing designed and built specifically for women.

Prois hunting gear has proven itself on the world’s toughest hunts.

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Super Thirty

The story of the original .300 magnum.

The .300 H&H is an excellent choice for hunting most thin-skinned game around the globe.

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Big Bores, Bears, and Buffalo

Try out a variety of dangerous game rifles and learn how to stop a charge at this unique shooting clinic.

All I could see of the large Cape buffalo was its face, horns, and chest as it started toward me from the edge of the trees, coming at a steady clip.

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Shootin’ Irons

Iron sights are still useful in some hunting situations.

I’ve written about iron sights before. It seems me that, in these days of almost universal scope use, shooting with iron sights is almost a lost art. This is regrettable for two reasons.

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Five Secrets to Successful Glassing

The very best binoculars won’t help you unless you know how to use them correctly.

We were very early in an Alaskan bear hunt. The area was good and the weather forecast was favorable. We had time, so we had no reason to be in a hurry.

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Hunting Rifle Prep

Getting your rifle ready for a hunt means putting in some quality range time and checking for functionality as well as accuracy.

Over the years I have hunted with a wide assortment of rifles, and I’ve seen all kinds of bizarre problems pop up. Most are fixable, but the most important thing is you need time to fix them.

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Savage Lady Hunter

A new rifle engineered for the serious female hunter.

With the introduction of the new Model 11/111 Lady Hunter, Savage Arms is one of the first rifle manufacturers to design a rifle specifically for women.

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A Ram in Pronghorn Country

The new Ram Outdoorsman is designed to be the ultimate hunting truck. We put it to the test in the New Mexico backcountry.

The parade of five Ram trucks rolled through a ranch gate. On the horizon sprouted a collection of white canvas tipis—an incongruous counterpart to the queue of spotless new four-wheel-drive ….

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