Grizzly Defense

What’s the best way to defend yourself if you run into a grizzly while hunting—or if a grizzly tries to run into you?

Nearly all authorities on the subject agree that the first two words to memorize in this regard are “pepper spray.” I’m fully aware that some hunters associate pepper spray with politically correct, granola-eating, New Age, tree-


A hunt for big bears is one of North America’s top outdoor adventures.

I was glassing a bare ridge far across a deep valley when I saw him, the biggest grizzly bear I’ve ever seen.


It’s every hunter’s nightmare: A bear is crashing toward you through the brush. What should you do?
The answer is: It depends on the situation.

Guiding Lights

How do you know if the guide who takes you on your dream hunt is any good?

Have you ever been on an outfitted hunt where you suspected your guide had been the cook or maybe the wrangler the day before you showed up? Well, perhaps he had.

Gun Travel Travails

Traveling with firearms isn’t usually a problem… until it is.

If you follow the rules, traveling internationally with firearms is perfectly doable. But when things go wrong, it can be a major hassle.

Handgunning for Hogs

Hunting with large-caliber revolvers adds a new level of challenge to a southern California pig hunt.

Smith & Wesson revolvers equipped with Trijicon RMR sights proved a fine combination for wild pigs on this hunt at Tejon Ranch.

HATS Off to Outdoor Stewards

The Outdoor Stewards of Conservation Foundation is working to improve public perceptions of hunting.
Communication is key.

Heading for Africa

Preparing for a safari is almost as much fun as the trip itself.

The anticipation has been building for months, and at last the day is almost here. I’m getting ready to leave for a safari in Namibia, via a flight to Washington, DC, where I’ll connect with South African Airways to Johannesburg, and then on to Windhoek.

High Adventure Birds

In search of the world’s most exotic wild turkeys.

Hunting turkeys in far-flung regions such as the jungles of the Yucatan rivals almost any big-game hunt in terms of challenge and adventure.