Sports A Field


It's the world's most versatile big-game caliber.

Spring Bear Hunting

Black bear hunts are affordable, widely available, and typically successful.

Caribou of the Colville Country

Hunting in one of the most remote places on Earth.

The Elephant in Africa

An in-depth look at the complex realities of managing elephant populations in today's Africa.

Birds of the Borderlands

Hunting the little-known Gould's turkey in northern Mexico.

Marble Mines and Mountain Zebras

In search of a striped stallion in the arid highlands of Namibia.

The Toughest Bird

Which upland game bird is the hardest to hunt... and to hit?

More Stories

The Changing Face of the African Safari

Over the course of sixty years, safaris have undergone a radical transformation.

Over many years, the word “safari”–that magical word which brings to mind high adventure in the wilds of Africa, immortalized by Theodore Roosevelt, Martin and Osa Johnson, Ernest Hemingway, and Robert Ruark–has become synonymous with a hunting/photographic expedition involving sportsmen and women from across the world.

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A Lesson from Kenya

Hunting has been closed there since 1977, and wildlife is worse off than ever.

The BBC reported last week on new research in the Journal of Zoology that shows that wildlife populations in the famous Masai Mara reserve in Kenya have crashed in the past three decades (read the BBC story here).

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The North American 27

The Ultimate To-Do List?

The so-called “North American 27” is based on the categories of North American game animals as recognized by the Boone and Crockett Club since 1971. The traditional North American 27 consists of the following animals

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Memories of HATARI!: An Interview with Jan Oelofse

A chat with the man who handled elephants, lions, and cheetahs during the filming of the 1962 classic movie starring John Wayne.

Of the cast and crew, both human and animal, who assembled half a century ago in east Africa to make the iconic safari movie Hatari!, only a few are still around. Star John Wayne, director Howard Hawks, and screenwriter Leigh Brackett all died more than 30 years

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Moment of Truth

A PH makes a split-second decision that will mean life or death for him and his client.

The game trail was a narrow corridor of hard-packed soil beneath a canopy of thorn. It was hard to imagine that three big bull elephants had recently come down this path, but professional hunter Karl Stumpfe stood over their fresh spoor pressed deep into the dirt of the game trail.

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Shootin’ Irons

Iron sights are still useful in some hunting situations.

I’ve written about iron sights before. It seems me that, in these days of almost universal scope use, shooting with iron sights is almost a lost art. This is regrettable for two reasons.

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A Ram in Pronghorn Country

The new Ram Outdoorsman is designed to be the ultimate hunting truck. We put it to the test in the New Mexico backcountry.

The parade of five Ram trucks rolled through a ranch gate. On the horizon sprouted a collection of white canvas tipis—an incongruous counterpart to the queue of spotless new four-wheel-drive ….

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Handgunning for Hogs

Hunting with large-caliber revolvers adds a new level of challenge to a southern California pig hunt.

Smith & Wesson revolvers equipped with Trijicon RMR sights proved a fine combination for wild pigs on this hunt at Tejon Ranch.

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Learning About Lions

How the study of these big African cats helps ensure their future.

No matter how often you’ve heard it, a lion’s growl is still enough to send chills down your spine. Standing atop the utility box in the bed of my Land Cruiser in the sweltering heat of a Zambian October…..

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