Moment of Truth

A PH makes a split-second decision that will mean life or death for him and his client.

The game trail was a narrow corridor of hard-packed soil beneath a canopy of thorn. It was hard to imagine that three big bull elephants had recently come down this path, but professional hunter Karl Stumpfe stood over their fresh spoor pressed deep into the dirt of the game trail.

My Favorite Zebra

The Hartmann mountain zebra is plentiful in Namibia and parts of South Africa.

This animal lives in rugged country and provides a challenging hunt.

Nature’s Remedy

New research proves that spending time outdoors improves our physical and mental health.

This fact makes access to public lands all the more important.

New Life for the Lever Gun

Now more than ever, lever-action rifles are a great choice for big-game hunting.

Like a lot of kids, I grew up in the Northwest during a time when blue jeans were not a fashion statement and most everyone got a haircut once a week.

No Guarantees

On a real hunt, the outcome is never assured.
That’s why it’s called hunting.

Now There Are Sixty

An update on Mozambique’s 24 Lions Project.

In 2018, two dozen lions were relocated into a mostly lion-less area of the Zambezi Delta.