Threescore and Ten

At seventy, should you look back upon your “lasts” or plan your “nexts?”

Every hunt that leaves you with a multifaceted memory is a successful one.

Thunder without Rain

Thomas McIntyre’s last book is truly his magnum opus.

A must-read for anyone fascinated with African buffalo.

Tough to Beat

The .300 Winchester Magnum is versatile, effective, and widely available.

The 7mm Remington Magnum was introduced in 1962, the .300 Winchester Magnum a year later, in 1963. Remington’s Big Seven took off like a rocket, and for many years was the world’s most popular cartridge to wear the “magnum” suffix.

Tracking and Trailing

You follow for as long as you can… and then you keep going.

All hunters try to make the best possible shot, but sometimes the worst happens, and you must track a wounded animal.

Traveling to Argentina with Firearms

What you need to know before bringing your hunting guns to Argentina.

Tips for negotiating the gun-import bureaucracy in this popular bird-hunting country.

Traveling with Firearms

Advice for traveling with firearms.

The rules for air travel and importation of firearms are becoming increasingly complex.

Travels with Optics

Optics aren’t just an adjunct to a hunt, they’re an amplifier, increasing your visual pleasure, providing more information, and saving time and steps.

Naturally, you’ll need a binocular for your hunt. But when you travel, don’t pack your glass in your checked luggage. First, you don’t want to risk having an expensive set of optics lifted by a sticky-fingered baggage handler.