Sports A Field

Africa's Toughest Antelope

The "poor man's Cape buffalo" can be a tough customer.

Deer of the Desert Southwest

Hunting the Coues and Carmen Mountain whitetails.

A Tale of Two Deer Seasons

Two very different hunting experiences in California and Kansas.

Bugles in the Backcountry

A horseback wilderness elk hunt is the ultimate North American hunting adventure.

On Top of the World

Hunting a bighorn ram high in the Colorado Rockies.

Just Keep Shooting!

When hunting dangerous game, what matters is that you finish what you started.


It's the world's most versatile big-game caliber.

The Elephant in Africa

An in-depth look at the complex realities of managing elephant populations in today's Africa.

More Stories

Backcountry Sustenance

What to eat and drink on a wilderness hunt.

You can carry everything you need in your pack.

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Sheep Week: Virtual and In-Person!

Join the Wild Sheep Foundation for Sheep Week 2022!

The show features both live and virtual events.

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Telling Our Story

New Nimrod Education Center promotes the benefits of hunting and fishing.

Located at Hillsdale College, its mission is educating the public about sportsmen’s role in conservation.

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The Bear Facts, Part Two

The advice to fight back when attacked by a black bear is almost always a bad idea.

Learn the right way to respond to an attack.

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The Bear Facts, Part One

Much of what you’ve heard from “experts” about black bears is wrong.

Learn the best ways to handle a black bear encounter.

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Now There Are Sixty

An update on Mozambique’s 24 Lions Project.

In 2018, two dozen lions were relocated into a mostly lion-less area of the Zambezi Delta.

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Thirty by Thirty

A proposed initiative would conserve 30 percent of the world’s lands and waters by 2030.

It’s crucial that sportsmen have a voice in implementing this initiative.

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Backcountry Meat Care

Tips for keeping meat clean and cold on a backcountry hunt.

It’s challenging, but doable if you’re prepared.

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A Culture of Generosity

A new study finds that American hunters are incredibly unselfish about sharing their wild harvest.

Some 98 percent of hunters shared meat with others.

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