Sports A Field

Africa's Toughest Antelope

The "poor man's Cape buffalo" can be a tough customer.

Deer of the Desert Southwest

Hunting the Coues and Carmen Mountain whitetails.

A Tale of Two Deer Seasons

Two very different hunting experiences in California and Kansas.

Bugles in the Backcountry

A horseback wilderness elk hunt is the ultimate North American hunting adventure.

On Top of the World

Hunting a bighorn ram high in the Colorado Rockies.

Just Keep Shooting!

When hunting dangerous game, what matters is that you finish what you started.


It's the world's most versatile big-game caliber.

The Elephant in Africa

An in-depth look at the complex realities of managing elephant populations in today's Africa.

More Stories

Settling the Score

The 30th edition of Rowland Ward’s Records of Big Game will debut a new way of scoring Cape buffalo.

The new system rewards both horn spread and boss width.

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The Future of Hunting

Hunter numbers are declining, but wildlife advocates are working to turn the tide.

R3 efforts and outreach to non-hunters are crucial efforts that all hunters should support.

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The 9.3, not the .375, should really be considered the minimum cartridge for dangerous game.

This cartridge has proven itself over years of use in the field.

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Great Winter Reads

A selection of great books for reading by the fireside on a snowy evening.

New titles from Craig Boddington, Buzz Charlton, Walter Bell, and many more.

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Field Tested: Prois Cumbre Hunting Gear

A line of high-tech, high-performance hunting clothing designed and built specifically for women.

Prois hunting gear has proven itself on the world’s toughest hunts.

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Slowing Down

The old still-hunter’s mantra is a good lesson for the woods, and for life.

Reflections from the deer woods as the end of the year approaches.

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Feathered Fiesta

Discovering the bounty of doves and ducks along Mexico’s Sea of Cortez.

A wing shooting adventure south of the border.

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Return of the Zambezi Delta Lions

Wild lions are reintroduced to one of Africa’s most important ecosystems.

The roar of lions will once again be heard in Mozambique’s Zambeze Delta.

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Working for Wild Sheep

Good news and bad news from sheep country.

Although North American sheep populations are strong, a serious respiratory disease now threatens Dall sheep in Alaska.

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