The 30th edition of Rowland Ward’s Records of Big Game will debut a new way of scoring Cape buffalo.
The new system rewards both horn spread and boss width.
Hunter numbers are declining, but wildlife advocates are working to turn the tide.
R3 efforts and outreach to non-hunters are crucial efforts that all hunters should support.
The 9.3, not the .375, should really be considered the minimum cartridge for dangerous game.
This cartridge has proven itself over years of use in the field.
A selection of great books for reading by the fireside on a snowy evening.
New titles from Craig Boddington, Buzz Charlton, Walter Bell, and many more.
A line of high-tech, high-performance hunting clothing designed and built specifically for women.
Prois hunting gear has proven itself on the world’s toughest hunts.
The old still-hunter’s mantra is a good lesson for the woods, and for life.
Reflections from the deer woods as the end of the year approaches.
Discovering the bounty of doves and ducks along Mexico’s Sea of Cortez.
A wing shooting adventure south of the border.
Wild lions are reintroduced to one of Africa’s most important ecosystems.
The roar of lions will once again be heard in Mozambique’s Zambeze Delta.
Good news and bad news from sheep country.
Although North American sheep populations are strong, a serious respiratory disease now threatens Dall sheep in Alaska.