Sports A Field

Reports Afield

Telling Our Story

New Nimrod Education Center promotes the benefits of hunting and fishing.

Located at Hillsdale College, its mission is educating the public about sportsmen’s role in conservation.

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Thirty by Thirty

A proposed initiative would conserve 30 percent of the world’s lands and waters by 2030.

It’s crucial that sportsmen have a voice in implementing this initiative.

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Infographic: How Hunting Helps Species Recovery

It’s a myth that trophy hunting drives species to extinction.

In fact, the opposite is true.

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Sports Afield Makes the List… Again!

For the fifth year in a row, Sports Afield is listed among the Top 150 Licensors.

This year we move up to No. 100.

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The Great American Outdoors Act

New legislation is a big deal for everyone who loves the outdoors.

The new law will fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Act.

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Sports Afield and DSC Extend Agreement as Partners in Conservation

Sports Afield and DSC will continue their partnership another five years.

Sports Afield will remain title sponsor of DSC’s annual convention.

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An Outdoor Education

A unique pro-hunting curriculum is teaching outdoor skills to tens of thousands of public school students every year.

The Outdoor Adventures program reaches students in more than 500 schools in 35 states.

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Conservationists Should Support Trophy Hunting

Bans on trophy hunting are likely to increase the challenge of conserving the world’s biodiversity.

This is why 133 conservation researchers and practitioners signed a letter published in Science Magazine last week highlighting why the trophy hunting bans currently being debated around the world are ill-advised.

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Sports Afield Makes the List… Again!

Sports Afield is once again one of the world’s Top 150 licensed brands!

License! Global magazine selected Sports Afield as one of the top brand companies for the third year in a row.

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A Really Big Tusker

An incredible elephant taken recently in Namibia is proof that giants still walk among us.

One tusk weighed exactly 100 pounds.

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