Sports A Field

Traveling Hunter

Grizzly Defense

What’s the best way to defend yourself if you run into a grizzly while hunting—or if a grizzly tries to run into you?

Nearly all authorities on the subject agree that the first two words to memorize in this regard are “pepper spray.” I’m fully aware that some hunters associate pepper spray with politically correct, granola-eating, New Age, tree-

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Malaria: What You Need to Know

Here’s how to minimize your risk of contracting this disease while on safari.

Because malaria is rare in the United States, we don’t hear a lot about it, save for periodic media sound bites that are largely negative and often unsettling. The news is usually bad news.

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Featured Destination: The Kalahari

This beautiful desert in southern Africa is home to huge gemsbok, springbok, and a variety of other game.

Quick. Name a famous desert.
If you said Sahara, join the crowd. Everyone knows the world’s largest desert. If you said Kalahari, though, you’re probably a hunter.

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A Safari Dream Come True

It took him most of a lifetime to get to Africa… but it was worth the wait!

It was 4:00 a.m. when I pulled on my boots and walked out into the cool night air. Last evening’s campfire had been reduced to embers but I welcomed its lingering warmth as I settled into a dew-dampened canvas chair.

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A Reminder from South Africa

The Professional Hunting Association of South Africa recently warned that foreign hunters who wish to hunt in South Africa should be sure they know the legal requirements for hunting in the country and aren’t fooled by advertisements for unguided hunting

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The Selous Game Reserve

Africa’s greatest hunting area

The Selous Game Reserve in southeastern Tanzania is the greatest stronghold of large wild animals on earth. At 22,000 square miles, it’s larger than Wales or Maryland, and four times the size of Serengeti National Park.

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Malaria: One Hunter’s Experience

If you hunt in Africa, you have to think about malaria.

Two weeks after returning from a safari in Zimbabwe, I was suddenly hit with a severe headache, racking chills, and a fever that reached 104 degrees within two hours:

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How to bring your hunting rifle into South Africa

Bringing a rifle into South Africa for your safari hunt doesn’t have to be difficult.

Bringing hunting firearms into South Africa is relatively easy, but you do need to be prepared before you arrive or you face a long wait.

Make absolutely sure you have the following documents in hand when you arrive (and copies of each just in case): Passport; return tickets to your country

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Four Tips from Tanzania

When I returned from a seven-day buffalo safari in Tanzania last September, friends who were planning their own safari asked what I’d learned on the trip. Here are a few of the tips I shared with them.

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Heading for Africa

Preparing for a safari is almost as much fun as the trip itself.

The anticipation has been building for months, and at last the day is almost here. I’m getting ready to leave for a safari in Namibia, via a flight to Washington, DC, where I’ll connect with South African Airways to Johannesburg, and then on to Windhoek.

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