Saving the Selous

The elephants of the Selous need help, and hunting is critical to their survival.

When Benson Kibonde left his position as chief warden of the Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania in 2008 he thought the days of rampant ivory poaching in Tanzania were long past.

Separate Ways

Wildlife managers try to keep wild sheep healthy by keeping them away from their domestic cousins.

Hunters who may have thought they would never have the opportunity to hunt bighorn sheep were given an incredible opportunity this year.

Settling the Score

The 30th edition of Rowland Ward’s Records of Big Game will debut a new way of scoring Cape buffalo.

The new system rewards both horn spread and boss width.

She Hunts

At a camp in Texas, women are learning the skills to become successful hunters.
And they’re having fun while they’re at it.

Shootin’ Irons

Iron sights are still useful in some hunting situations.

I’ve written about iron sights before. It seems me that, in these days of almost universal scope use, shooting with iron sights is almost a lost art. This is regrettable for two reasons.

Shooting the Lightweights

Lightweight mountain rifles can be just as accurate and easy to shoot as traditional, heavier rifles.

Don’t assume that lightweight rifles are not accuate.

Shots at Spots

How to make sure your leopard is “dead under the tree.”

Larger calibers are not always the answer.