Submission guidelines

How to submit articles and photos to Sports Afield Guidelines for Writers Sports Afield is America’s premier hunting adventure magazine, founded in 1887. The magazine is devoted to people who share a passion for high-end hunting and shooting, especially North American and African big-game hunting. Our focus is on adventure hunts for species such as […]

Super Thirty

The story of the original .300 magnum.

The .300 H&H is an excellent choice for hunting most thin-skinned game around the globe.

Super-Safe Travel with Firearms

Tips and tricks to ensure your hunting guns arrive when you do.

To my knowledge, firearms have not been used in the hijacking of an airliner in decades Sportsmen’s firearms checked as legal baggage have not been involved in any airline hijackings since—well, ever.

Taking a Non-Hunter on Safari

Great ideas for things to do when taking a non-hunting spouse or friend along on your African safari.

Try these great South African tourist destinations before or after your hunt.

Taking A Pass

Remember, the first day of a hunt is as good as the last.

The stand overlooked a big field of almost impenetrable CRP grass. The wind was howling that day and I didn’t expect to see much. Also, I had no particular expectations.

Telling Our Story

Hunters in two states are funding pro-hunting public relations campaigns in an effort to beat the antis at their own game.

A group called the Nimrod Society is urging other states to adopt a similar model and help spread the word.

The .270 Vs. the .30-06

It’s hard to go wrong when choosing between these two great calibers.
For deer-size game, there are two time-honored cartridges that remain among our most popular.

The .300 Weatherby Magnum

There are many excellent cartridges in the “fast .300” class, but Roy Weatherby’s flagship remains a favorite.

This cartridge is suitable for hunting almost any non-dangerous game anywhere in the world.