Best Places to Hunt Kudu

The “gray ghost” is one of Africa’s most widespread antelope species.

But some regions are better than others.

Big Bend Barbary Rams

Hunting the “poor man’s desert sheep” in West Texas.
An unusually rainy week makes for tough hunting.

Big Bores, Bears, and Buffalo

Try out a variety of dangerous game rifles and learn how to stop a charge at this unique shooting clinic.

All I could see of the large Cape buffalo was its face, horns, and chest as it started toward me from the edge of the trees, coming at a steady clip.

Big Warthogs

Warthogs are common, but big ones aren’t easy to find.

Mozambique may be among the best spots to find one.

Big-Game Rifles for Women

Women shoot better with rifles that fit them well, just as men do.

Stock shape and balance are two important considerations.

Birds of the Borderlands

Hunting the little-known Gould’s turkey in northern Mexico.
It’s one of the most beautiful of all turkey subspecies.

Boddington Wins 2017 Weatherby Award

Congratulations to Craig Boddington on winning hunting’s most prestigious award!

The 2017 Weatherby Hunting and Conservation Award will be awarded to Craig Boddington at a banquet in January.

Book ‘Em!

What you should know about hunt booking agents

If you want to hunt in an unfamiliar destination but aren’t sure where to begin or how to choose a reputable outfitter, start by contacting a hunt booking agent. The best way to ensure you’re working with a trustworthy one is to make sure he or she is a full-time agent with at least five years

Book Review: The Mindful Carnivore

A Vegetarian’s Hunt for Sustenance

Tovar Cerulli seems an unlikely hunter. Although he spent his childhood summers in New England fishing for trout and hunting for bullfrogs