Caution Advised at Miami Airport

One hunter’s guns go missing–for three months.

Miami Airport “loses” a set of shotguns, even though they were properly cased, checked, and declared.

Climbing for Chamois

The challenging and rewarding pursuit of Europe’s wary mountain goat.

Hunting the chamois is a great way to explore the mountain ranges of Europe and New Zealand.

Close Encounters with Buffalo

The classic way to shoot a buffalo is up close, with a double rifle.

It’s actually somewhat unusual to be faced with that situation in most of buffalo country.

Coues Deer Time

Got the winter doldrums?
A Coues deer hunt in Mexico is the perfect cure.

Croc Attack!

Crocodiles inspire both fascination and fear.

No one knows how many humans fall prey to crocodiles every year.

Deadly Encounters

A new book by Craig Boddington shares the stories of people who have been on the receiving end of animal attacks.

Incidents of hunters, trackers, professional hunters, and innocent bystanders getting injured or killed by dangerous game animals crop up every year

Decline of a Wilderness Icon

What’s behind the alarming decline of caribou in North America?

Caribou numbers are down across most of their range, and scientists are trying to figure out why.