Deer Cartridges

Thoughts on what works, what’s popular, and what’s trending.

Cartridge choices of Kansas deer hunters run from the new to the old.

Don’t Overlook the .30-06

Despite all the emphasis on new cartridges, this old standby is still an all-round champ.

The .30-06 is a great choice for almost any non-dangerous game.

Dream Land

How to purchase the hunting property you’ve always wanted.

Increasingly, hunters are investing their money in hunting properties—their own private places of solace from the mayhem of daily life.

Eating Eden to Extinction

Understanding the African bushmeat crisis.

The term “bushmeat” is traditionally defined as “the meat of African wild animals as food,” African forests and savannas being commonly referred to as “bush.”


The Renaissance of Hunting the African Elephant

Craig Boddington’s hotly anticipated new book on the African elephant is out, and not surprisingly, it’s an excellent read.

Elephants, Science, and Politics

Elephants in Zimbabwe are under threat from the very efforts intended to save them.

Hysteria over elephant imports is making matters worse, not better, for wildlife managers in this country.

Enough Gun

How do you know how much gun is enough?

One of my favorite campfire argument (and writing topics) concerns the suitability—“adequacy,” if you will—of various cartridges for specific field applications.